Browse Hierarchy MSAMRPTC: Aerospace Materials - Part Time
Browse Course
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Composites Manufacturing for High Performance Structures | I-MAT-A1013 | Module |
Design Durability and Integrity of Composite Aircraft Structures | N-AW-ICAS | Module |
Dissertation for Part Time | I-MAT-DISS | Module |
Failure of Materials and Structures | I-MAT-A1015 | Module |
Finite Element Analysis [Advanced Materials] | I-MAT-A1014 | Module |
Functional Materials | I-MAT-A1007 | Module |
Individual Research Project [AdvMats, AeroManuf, AeroMats, CSM, EC, EMMS, GPDM, MEAM, MIS, MTM, Welding] | I-MNU-THESIS | Module |
Introduction | I-MAT-INWK | Module |
Introduction to Materials Engineering | I-MAT-A1009 | Module |
Materials Selection | I-MAT-A1017 | Module |
Surface Engineering and Coatings System Design | I-MAT-A1016 | Module |
Sustainable Aerospace Materials | I-MAT-A1005 | Module |