Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Aerospace Navigation and Sensors N-ASE-GPS Module
Astrodynamics and Mission Analysis N-ASE-AMA Module
Design and Analysis of Composite Structures N-AVD-FRP Module
Earth Observation and the Environment N-ASE-EOE Module
Extended Individual Research Project N-ASE-EIRP Module
Finite Element Analysis N-ASE-AFEM Module
Group Design Project [ASE] N-ASE-GP Module
Guidance Navigation and Control of Space Systems N-ASE-GNCSS Module
Humans in Space and associated ECLSS N-ASE-ELS Module
Impact Dynamics and Spacecraft Protection N-ASE-ISP Module
Individual Research Project [ASE] N-ASE-THESIS Module
Introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD) N-ASE-CAD Module
Launch and Re-entry Aerodynamics N-ASE-LRE Module
Mathematics and Programming for Astrodynamics and Trajectory Design N-ASE-ATD Module
Modelling of Dynamics Systems N-ASD-MDS Module
On Board Data Handling and Software Development N-ASE-ODH Module
Payload Engineering and Instrumentation N-ASE-PEI Module
Research Skills [ASE] N-ASE-RS Module
Space Communications N-ASE-SC04 Module
Space Environment N-ASE-SE Module
Space Propulsion N-ASE-SP Module
Space Systems Engineering N-ASE-SSE Module
Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control N-ASE-SADC Module
Structural Dynamics N-AVD-SD Module
Structural Mechanics N-ASE-SM Module
Thermal Analysis and Design Software N-ASE-TDS Module

Lists linked to Astronautics and Space Engineering MSc - Full Time

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Astrodynamics and Mission Analysis CURRENT 04/11/2024 11:50:11
Design and Analysis of Composite Structures CURRENT 19/09/2024 15:33:59
Earth Observation and the Environment CURRENT 26/10/2020 14:29:01
Extended Individual Research Project [ASE] CURRENT 16/04/2020 11:51:24
Finite Element Analysis [AVD] CURRENT 13/01/2025 09:23:09
Group Design Project [ASE] CURRENT 16/04/2020 12:00:32
Guidance Navigation and Control of Space Systems CURRENT 25/02/2021 07:19:28
Humans in Space and associated ECLSS CURRENT 24/01/2025 15:18:39
Impact Dynamics and Spacecraft Protection CURRENT 19/09/2024 09:59:56
Individual Research Project [ASE] CURRENT 16/04/2020 12:57:21
Introduction to computer aided design (CAD) CURRENT 16/04/2020 13:06:08
Mathematics and Programming for Astrodynamics and Trajectory Design CURRENT 31/01/2025 09:13:36
Modelling of Dynamic Systems CURRENT 11/09/2024 09:10:22
On Board Data Handling and Software Development CURRENT 19/12/2024 11:30:33
Payload engineering and instrumentation CURRENT 16/10/2020 10:52:37
Research Skills [ASE] CURRENT 23/01/2025 09:59:01
Space Communications CURRENT 25/02/2021 08:10:16
Space Environment CURRENT 06/05/2021 10:58:56
Space Propulsion CURRENT 15/11/2024 12:48:10
Space Systems Engineering CURRENT 06/11/2023 11:21:36
Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control CURRENT 10/03/2021 14:57:04
Structural Dynamics CURRENT 29/04/2022 12:29:07
Structural Mechanics [ASE] CURRENT 13/03/2020 17:10:14
Thermal Analysis and Design Software CURRENT 10/01/2024 16:07:57