Course Director: Daniel Auger

Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Automotive Individual Research Project N-AP-AE13 Module
CAVE (Auto) Group Project N-CAV-GP Module
Embedded Vehicle Control Systems N-AP-AM04 Module
Ethics, Safety and Regulation N-CAV-ESR Module
Fundamentals of Road Vehicle Engineering N-CAV-FORVE Module
Human Factors, Human-Computer Interaction and ADAS System N-CAV-HF Module
Induction [CAVEA] N-CAV-IND Module
Networked Systems and Cyber Security N-CAV-NSC Module
Path Planning, Autonomy and Decision Making N-CAV-PPADM Module
Sensors, Perception and Visualisation N-CAV-SPV Module
Systems Engineering N-CAV-SYS Module
Technology Strategy and Business Models N-CAV-TSBM Module
Transport Systems Optimisation N-CAV-TSO Module

Lists linked to MSc Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Engineering (Automotive)

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
CAVE (Auto) Group Project CURRENT 17/06/2024 12:38:36
Embedded Vehicle Control Systems CURRENT 06/12/2024 09:07:32
Ethics, Safety and Regulation CURRENT 15/03/2021 10:13:39
Fundamentals of Road Vehicle Engineering CURRENT 02/10/2023 10:40:57
Human Factors, Human-Computer Interaction and ADAS System CURRENT 14/11/2024 13:46:25
Introduction [CAVE] CURRENT 05/08/2024 14:34:57
Networked Systems and Cyber Security CURRENT 15/03/2023 18:06:13
Path Planning, Autonomy and Decision Making CURRENT 13/02/2025 11:42:45
Sensors Perception and Visualisation CURRENT 06/09/2023 09:51:39
Systems Engineering [CAVE] CURRENT 17/01/2024 10:45:20
Technology Strategy and Business Models CURRENT 04/01/2022 14:52:51
Transport Systems Optimisation CURRENT 03/12/2024 10:42:33