Browse Hierarchy MSCMIFTC: MSc Cyber-Secure Manufacturing - Full Time
Course withdrawn with effect from Academic Year 2022/23
Browse Course
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Cyber Thinking and Practice in Manufacturing | I-CMI-CTPM | Module |
Cybersecurity of Machine Tool Systems | I-CMI-SMTS | Module |
Data Analytics for Cyberattack Detection | I-CMI-DACD | Module |
Group Project | I-MAT-GRPP | Module |
Hardware-level Cyber Security | I-CMI-HCS | Module |
Individual Research Project [AdvMats, AeroManuf, AeroMats, CSM, EC, EMMS, GPDM, MEAM, MIS, MTM, Welding] | I-MNU-THESIS | Module |
Induction (AeroManu, CSM, EMMS, GPDM, MEAM, MIS) | I-MAN-INWK | Module |
Industrial Cybersecurity Challenges and Strategies | I-CMI-ICCS | Module |
IoT Security and Systems | I-CMI-IOTSS | Module |
Manufacturing Systems Engineering | I-MNU-A1027 | Module |
Operations Management | I-MNU-A1034 | Module |
Secure Cloud based Manufacturing | I-CMI-SCM | Module |
Lists linked to MSc Cyber-Secure Manufacturing - Full Time
Title Sort by title | Year | Last updated Sort by last updated |
Cyber Thinking and Practice in Manufacturing | CURRENT | 19/10/2022 13:25:21 |
Cybersecurity of Machine Tool Systems | CURRENT | 19/10/2022 13:26:46 |
Data Analytics for Cyberattack Detection | CURRENT | 06/11/2020 13:30:34 |
Group Project [AdvMats, AeroManuf, AeroMats, CSM, EMMS, GPDM, MEAM, MIS, MTM, Welding] | CURRENT | 06/12/2022 17:43:02 |
Hardware-Level Cyber Security | CURRENT | 19/10/2022 13:46:50 |
Induction (AeroManu, CSM, EMMS, GPDM, MEAM, MIS) | CURRENT | 21/08/2020 08:13:09 |
Industrial Cybersecurity Challenges and Strategies | CURRENT | 19/10/2022 13:47:51 |
IoT Security and Systems | CURRENT | 19/10/2022 13:48:46 |
Manufacturing Systems Engineering | CURRENT | 10/05/2024 15:22:15 |
Operations Management [AeroManuf, CSM, EC, EMMS, GPDM, MIS, MTM] | CURRENT | 28/08/2024 10:36:13 |
Secure Cloud Based Manufacturing | CURRENT | 19/10/2022 13:51:21 |