Course Director: Irene Moulitsas

Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Engineering Analysis N-CST-AEA Module
Advanced Java and Advanced Python N-CST-AJAP Module
Applications in Computational Intelligence (Group Project) N-CST-GPAPCI Module
Applications in Practical High-End Computing (Group Project) N-CST-GPAPHE Module
Applications of Computational Engineering Design Optimisation (Group Project) N-CST-CEDO Module
Artificial Intelligence N-CST-AI Module
C++ Programming (AO) N-CST-CPPAO Module
Cloud Computing N-CST-CC Module
Computational Engineering (Fluids) N-CST-CE Module
Computational Engineering Structures N-CST-CES Module
Computational Methods N-CST-CM Module
Computational Methods (Integrated) N-CST-CMI Module
Computational Optimisation Design N-CST-COD Module
Computer Vision N-CST-DIP2 Module
Digital Engineering and Product Design N-CST-DEPD Module
Digital Signal Processing N-CST-DSP Module
Geometric modelling and design N-CST-CSM04 Module
High Performance Technical Computing N-CST-HPTC Module
Image Processing and Analysis N-CST-DIP1 Module
Individual Research Project [CST] N-CST-THESIS80 Module
Individual Research Project [CST] (Cranfield) N-CST-THESIS Module
Machine Learning N-CST-ML Module
Machine Learning and Big Data N-CST-MLBD Module
Management for Technology G-MTI Module
Requirements Analysis and System Design N-CST-RASD Module
Signal Analysis N-CST-SA04 Module
Small-Scale Parallel Programming N-CST-SSPP Module
Software Testing and Quality Assurance N-CST-STQA Module
Visualisation N-CST-VIS Module

Lists linked to Computational Software Techniques in Engineering MSc - Full Time

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Applications in Computational Intelligence (Group Project) CURRENT 25/02/2025 15:49:27
Applications in Practical High-End Computing (Group Project) CURRENT 12/01/2024 14:17:55
Applications of Computational Engineering Design (Group Project) ESTIA CURRENT 05/01/2021 16:21:04
Artificial Intelligence CURRENT 22/01/2025 14:53:03
C++ Programming (AO) CURRENT 29/04/2020 10:05:51
Cloud Computing CURRENT 29/04/2020 10:15:45
Computational Engineering (Fluids) CURRENT 21/11/2024 15:35:12
Computational Engineering Structures CURRENT 07/01/2025 11:01:23
Computational Methods CURRENT 02/09/2024 09:09:05
Computational Methods (Integrated) CURRENT 02/09/2024 09:09:30
Computational Optimisation Design CURRENT 16/09/2024 14:44:01
Computer Vision CURRENT 08/11/2023 15:07:25
Digital Engineering and Product Design CURRENT 12/01/2021 14:09:38
Digital Signal Processing CURRENT 04/11/2024 10:44:22
Geometric Modelling and Design CURRENT 09/09/2024 15:53:21
High Performance Technical Computing CURRENT 23/10/2024 09:25:53
Image Processing and Analysis CURRENT 14/10/2024 13:15:29
Machine learning CURRENT 18/06/2024 13:03:34
Machine Learning and Big Data CURRENT 09/09/2024 10:35:07
Management for Technology CURRENT 27/11/2024 10:47:39
Requirements Analysis and System Design CURRENT 05/09/2024 09:26:22
Signal Analysis CURRENT 01/10/2020 13:13:15
Small Scale Parallel Programming CURRENT 11/08/2020 14:58:53
Software Testing and Quality Assurance CURRENT 11/09/2024 09:18:22
Visualisation CURRENT 27/04/2020 13:32:11