Course Director: Ifti Zaidi

Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Building Integrity in the Public Sector R-DSP-BIPS Module
Counterterrorism and Intelligence R-IDS-TCT Module
Cyber and Informational Security R-DSP-CIS Module
Data-led Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence R-SISD-DLDS Module
Decision Analysis and Support R-DSP-DAS Module
Defence and Security Offset R-DMR-DSO Module
Defence in the 21st Century R-IDS-D21C Module
Defence Sector and Organisational Behaviour R-DL-DSOB Module
Financial and Economic Security R-DSP-FES Module
Financing Acquisition R-DAM-FA Module
Foundations of Cyber R-DEFCY-FMC Module
Gender, Violence and Armed Conflict R-IDS-GVAC Module
Global Security: Culture and Complexity R-DL-GSCC Module
Global Security: Emerging Challenges R-DL-GSEC Module
Governance and Rule of Law R-DSP-GRL Module
Induction [DSP] R-DSP-I Module
Instructional Practice R-DSP-IP Module
International Humanitarian Law and Command Responsibility R-DSP-IHLCR Module
Introduction to Defence and Security R-DSP-IDS Module
Introduction to International Law and the Use of Force R-DSP-IILUF Module
Leadership and Management R-DSP-LM Module
Leading and Managing Change in Security Sector Organisations R-DSP-LMC Module
Legal Ethical and Political Defence Security Frameworks R-DMR-LEPDSF Module
Managing Acquisition Change R-DAM-MAC Module
Managing Post-conflict Peace Interventions R-DSP-MPPI Module
Managing Security in a Regional Context R-DSP-MSRC Module
National Security and Emerging Global Trends R-DSP-NSEGT Module
National Security: Resilience and Crisis R-DL-NSRC Module
Negotiations R-DMR-N Module
Research Methods [DSP] R-DSP-RM Module
Risk, Crisis and Resilience R-IDS-RR Module
Security Sector Strategy and Policy Development R-DSP-SPD Module
Social Technologies R-DEFCY-ST Module
Stakeholder Management and Organisational Behaviour R-DSP-SMOB Module
Strategic Leadership in the Security Sector R-DSP-SL Module
Strategic Management in Defence R-DL-SMD Module
Sustainability in Defence R-DAM-SD Module
The Human Dimension R-DEFCY-HD Module
The International Dimensions of Defence Acquisition R-DAM-IDDA Module
Thesis [DSP] R-DSP-THESIS Module
War Gaming and Combat Modelling R-AMOR-WGC Module

Lists linked to [Pathway] MSc Defence and Security (Leadership and Management: Leadership and Security

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Building Integrity in the Public Sector CURRENT 27/09/2022 14:21:58
Counterterrorism and Intelligence CURRENT 18/03/2024 12:31:52
Decision Analysis and Support CURRENT 25/01/2023 15:49:06
Defence and Security Offset CURRENT 16/05/2022 13:26:35
Defence Sector and Organisational Behaviour CURRENT 18/03/2024 09:57:54
Financial and Economic Security CURRENT 11/03/2024 13:39:38
Financing Acquisition CURRENT 22/04/2022 09:13:00
Foundations of Programme and Project Management CURRENT 01/12/2023 13:34:45
Gender, Violence and Armed Conflict CURRENT 27/09/2022 14:41:21
Global Security: Culture and Complexity CURRENT 26/02/2024 17:59:38
Global Security: Emerging Challenges CURRENT 26/02/2024 18:00:07
Governance and the Rule of Law CURRENT 05/10/2022 13:30:00
Instructional Practice CURRENT 22/07/2024 08:27:25
International Dimensions of Defence Acquisition CURRENT 15/01/2024 15:51:06
International Humanitarian Law and Command Responsibility CURRENT 25/09/2022 13:54:35
Introduction to Defence and Security CURRENT 04/10/2023 11:18:46
Introduction to International Law and the Use of Force CURRENT 26/05/2023 11:04:36
Leadership and Management [DSP] CURRENT 13/05/2024 12:12:25
Leadership Development in Defence CURRENT 28/11/2022 17:55:28
Leading and Managing Change in Security Sector Organisations CURRENT 19/06/2023 09:36:01
Legal, Ethical and Political Defence and Security Frameworks CURRENT 14/04/2022 13:16:50
Managing Acquisition Change CURRENT 15/01/2024 13:05:18
Managing Post-conflict Peace Interventions CURRENT 27/09/2022 14:16:16
Managing Security in a Regional Context CURRENT 27/09/2022 14:24:40
National Security : Resilience and Crisis CURRENT 20/05/2022 12:22:11
National Security and Global Emerging Trends CURRENT 13/05/2022 10:07:05
Negotiations CURRENT 25/06/2024 15:01:31
Psychology of Leadership CURRENT 02/09/2024 09:06:52
Research Methods [DL] CURRENT 02/09/2024 09:18:50
Research Methods [DSP] CURRENT 28/03/2024 11:36:45
Security Sector Strategy and Policy Development CURRENT 13/05/2024 12:06:23
Stakeholder Management and Organisational Behaviour CURRENT 13/05/2024 11:02:20
Strategic Leadership in the Security Sector CURRENT 22/07/2024 08:21:22
Strategic Management in Defence [DL & DSP] CURRENT 13/05/2024 12:12:50
Sustainability in Defence CURRENT 25/08/2020 09:09:18
The Human Dimension CURRENT 17/10/2023 12:33:11
Thesis [DSP] CURRENT 27/04/2023 09:27:29