Course Director: Sofia Kourmpetli

Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Agricultural Informatics I-FFS-AI Module
Economic Valuation and Appraisal I-EEM-A1184 Module
Group Project [AGF] I-AGF-GRPP Module
Individual Thesis Project [AGRI] I-AGF-THESIS Module
Induction Module [AGRI] I-AGF-INWK Module
Leading Corporate Sustainability M-T-LCS Module
Principles of Sustainability I-EMB-A1122 Module
Soil Systems I-LAM-A1138 Module
Strategic Foresight I-EMB-A1005 Module
Technologies for Seeds and Crop Protection I-FFS-PBT Module
Water and Sustainable Agrifood Systems I-FFS-WSS Module

Lists linked to Future Food Sustainability MSc - Full Time

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Agricultural Informatics CURRENT 31/07/2020 12:31:50
Dissertation [AGF] CURRENT 22/07/2020 10:42:06
Economic Valuation and Appraisal CURRENT 16/05/2022 14:38:08
Food Chain Resilience CURRENT 26/05/2021 14:48:46
Group Project [AGF] CURRENT 22/07/2020 10:26:11
Individual Thesis Project [AGF] CURRENT 07/08/2020 14:55:27
Leading Corporate Sustainability [M-T-LCS] CURRENT 02/05/2024 14:27:31
Principles of Sustainability CURRENT 02/04/2024 09:00:32
Soil Systems CURRENT 17/01/2024 10:56:25
Strategic Foresight CURRENT 31/07/2020 10:39:29
Technologies for Seeds and Crop Protection CURRENT 22/01/2024 15:40:23
Water and Sustainable Agrifood Systems CURRENT 26/01/2024 11:23:57