Browse Hierarchy MSMGTFTC: Management MSc - Full Time
Course Director: Michael Dickman
Browse Course
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Accounting and Finance | M-L-ACF | Module |
Accounting and Finance (MSc Management course) | M-T-ACF | Module |
Disruptive Innovation | M-T-DIN | Module |
Economics for Managers | M-T-ECM | Module |
Effective Cross-Cultural Management | M-T-ECC | Module |
Entrepreneurship | M-T-ENT | Module |
Evidence-based Management | M-T-EBM | Module |
Leading Corporate Sustainability | M-T-LCS | Module |
Management Consulting | M-T-MAC | Module |
Managing Operations | M-T-MNO | Module |
Mastering Project Management | M-T-MPM | Module |
Masters of Management Thesis (Internship) | M-T-THSI | Module |
Masters of Management Thesis (Non-internship) | M-T-THSNI | Module |
Organisational Behaviour: Application | M-T-OBA | Module |
Organisational Performance: Direction Control and Measurement | M-T-ORP | Module |
People Management and Leadership | M-T-PML | Module |
Strategic Management | M-T-STG | Module |
Strategic Marketing | M-T-MMT | Module |
Supply Chain Management | M-T-SCM | Module |