Course Director: Annmarie Hanlon ** Additional cohort MSMKLPTCD (Oliver Agency)

Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accounting and Finance M-L-ACF Module
Customer Relationships and Delivery Channels MLS-CDC Module
Enterprise Performance and Risk Management MML-EPRM Module
Evaluating Marketing Effectiveness MKL-EME Module
Growth and Innovation MLS-GIN Module
Leading Change MKL-LCH Module
Leading with Impact: Organisational Behaviour MML-LOB Module
Marketing and Leadership Thesis (work based project) MLS-THS Module
Marketing Communications MKL-MCO Module
Organizational Behaviour for Leaders (OBL) MKL-OBL Module
People Management and Leadership M-T-PML Module
Understanding Customers MLS-UCU Module
Understanding Markets and Competitors MKL-UMC Module
Value Propositions MLS-VAP Module

Lists linked to Marketing and Leadership MSc - Part Time

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Accounting and Finance [M-L-ACF] CURRENT 26/07/2023 13:32:40
Accounting and Finance for Supply Chain Management [MXL-AFSC] CURRENT 25/09/2024 13:15:26
Copy of Leading with Impact: Organisational Behaviour CURRENT 22/04/2024 11:38:05
Customer Relationships and Delivery Channels CURRENT 01/09/2020 14:43:46
Customer Relationships and Delivery Channels CURRENT 18/03/2021 16:29:49
Enterprise Performance and Risk Management CURRENT 19/09/2020 09:09:55
Evaluating Marketing Effectiveness CURRENT 16/07/2021 08:26:48
Growth and Innovation CURRENT 19/02/2021 14:24:06
Leading Change CURRENT 05/12/2024 13:11:22
Leading with Impact: Organisational Behaviour CURRENT 09/08/2024 10:03:01
Marketing Communications CURRENT 05/12/2024 09:52:51
Organizational Behaviour for Leaders (OBL) CURRENT 08/05/2024 06:41:52
People Management and Leadership CURRENT 06/02/2025 11:02:13
Understanding Customers CURRENT 30/03/2023 09:18:23
Understanding Markets and Competitors CURRENT 21/02/2025 08:56:06
Value Propositions CURRENT 10/01/2023 20:12:27