Lists linked to Aerospace

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
CFD for Aerospace CURRENT 29/01/2025 14:04:15
Cloud Computing CURRENT 29/04/2020 10:15:45
Cockpit Environment CURRENT 10/09/2020 14:50:06
Computational Engineering (Fluids) CURRENT 21/11/2024 15:35:12
Computational Engineering Structures CURRENT 07/01/2025 11:01:23
Computational Engineering Structures ESTIA CURRENT 19/10/2023 14:32:54
Computational Methods CURRENT 02/09/2024 09:09:05
Computational Methods (Integrated) CURRENT 02/09/2024 09:09:30
Computational Optimisation Design CURRENT 16/09/2024 14:44:01
Computer Aided Design (CAD) CURRENT 02/09/2024 13:18:35
Computer Vision CURRENT 08/11/2023 15:07:25
Control Systems CURRENT 17/10/2024 08:23:55
Crashworthiness [ALS] CURRENT 11/10/2024 10:51:53
Data Analysis and Uncertainty CURRENT 13/10/2020 14:22:18
Data Analytics and Visualisation CURRENT 14/11/2024 13:30:26
Deep Learning and Computer Vision CURRENT 23/09/2024 10:33:03
Design and Analysis of Composite Structures CURRENT 19/09/2024 15:33:59
Design Durability and Integrity of Composite Aircraft Structures CURRENT 08/05/2024 10:10:13
Design for Manufacture and Operation CURRENT 28/11/2024 11:33:11
Design of Airframe Systems CURRENT 12/02/2025 14:19:06
Detail Stressing [AVD, AE , Airworthiness] CURRENT 09/09/2024 14:34:58
Digital Engineering and Product Design CURRENT 12/01/2021 14:09:38
Digital Signal Processing CURRENT 04/11/2024 10:44:22
Dissertation on Applied Artificial Intelligence [AAI] CURRENT 15/04/2020 13:14:45
Earth Observation and the Environment CURRENT 26/10/2020 14:29:01
Ethical, Regulatory and Social Aspects of AI CURRENT 14/01/2025 15:43:42
Experimental Aerodynamics CURRENT 12/03/2024 11:20:43
Extended Individual Research Project [ASE] CURRENT 16/04/2020 11:51:24
Fatigue, Fracture Mechanics and Damage Tolerance CURRENT 13/11/2020 15:45:42
Fault Tolerant Avionics Design CURRENT 13/02/2025 11:38:09
Finite Element Analysis [AVD] CURRENT 13/01/2025 09:23:09
Finite Element Methods CURRENT 07/11/2024 10:37:40
Finite Element Methods for Aircraft Engineering CURRENT 02/10/2023 09:16:46
Flight Dynamics Principles CURRENT 28/10/2024 09:44:47
Flight Dynamics Principles for Aircraft Engineering CURRENT 31/10/2024 15:31:40
Flight Experience CURRENT 18/02/2021 15:54:23
Flying Qualities and Flight Control CURRENT 27/02/2024 09:46:18
Fundamentals of Aircraft System Identification CURRENT 25/02/2025 14:43:02
Fundamentals of Rotorcraft Performance, Stability and Control CURRENT 17/01/2024 11:22:45
Geometric Modelling and Design CURRENT 09/09/2024 15:53:21
Grid Generation CURRENT 24/07/2023 12:22:47
Group Design Project (AAM) CURRENT 23/06/2021 15:00:40
Group Design Project [AAI] CURRENT 15/04/2020 13:23:24
Group Design Project [AEN] CURRENT 20/04/2023 08:57:28
Group Design Project [ALS] CURRENT 08/01/2025 12:30:05
Group Design Project [ASE] CURRENT 16/04/2020 12:00:32
Group Design Project [AVD] CURRENT 17/10/2024 08:51:12
Group Project - Computational Fluid Dynamics CURRENT 03/03/2020 17:31:59
Group Project [ACE] CURRENT 03/04/2020 13:16:40
Guidance and Navigation for UAS CURRENT 14/11/2024 15:51:50
Guidance Navigation and Control of Space Systems CURRENT 25/02/2021 07:19:28
High Performance Technical Computing CURRENT 23/10/2024 09:25:53
Humans in Space and associated ECLSS CURRENT 24/01/2025 15:18:39
Image Processing and Analysis CURRENT 14/10/2024 13:15:29
Impact Dynamics and Spacecraft Protection CURRENT 19/09/2024 09:59:56
Individual Dissertation (for part-time students) [ACE] CURRENT 21/04/2022 10:58:40
Individual Research Project CURRENT 17/03/2021 13:56:36
Individual Research Project CURRENT 16/03/2021 14:18:52
Individual Research Project - Aircraft Engineering CURRENT 05/03/2020 16:45:20
Individual Research Project [ACE] CURRENT 28/11/2022 17:43:55
Individual Research Project [ALS] CURRENT 04/03/2021 11:17:45
Individual Research Project [ASD] CURRENT 04/02/2021 09:17:30
Individual Research Project [ASE] CURRENT 16/04/2020 12:57:21
Individual Research Project [AVD] CURRENT 03/03/2020 17:17:28
Individual Research Project [CFD] CURRENT 24/04/2020 12:22:41
Induction Week (ALS) CURRENT 27/03/2020 14:05:30
Induction Week [AAI] CURRENT 15/04/2020 13:34:38
Inertial and Satellite Navigation Systems CURRENT 04/04/2024 07:42:23
Initial Aircraft Design CURRENT 27/02/2024 10:14:51
Integrated Navigation Systems CURRENT 04/04/2024 08:16:34
Integrated Vehicle Health Management CURRENT 05/12/2024 10:52:33
Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems CURRENT 26/09/2024 11:03:23
Internet of Things CURRENT 24/04/2024 14:05:53
Introduction and Initial Aerospace Vehicle Design CURRENT 27/02/2024 10:14:05
Introduction to Advanced Air Mobility CURRENT 07/10/2024 14:22:09
Introduction to Aircraft Structural Crashworthiness [AEN, Airworthiness] CURRENT 15/01/2025 09:26:17
Introduction to Avionics CURRENT 03/02/2025 14:19:12
Introduction to CFD CURRENT 25/10/2021 14:11:11
Introduction to computer aided design (CAD) CURRENT 16/04/2020 13:06:08
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics CURRENT 22/08/2020 14:19:33
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer CURRENT 10/10/2023 12:24:39
Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) CURRENT 02/10/2020 11:35:58
Landing Gear Design CURRENT 08/05/2024 08:53:14
Launch and Re-entry Aerodynamics CURRENT 02/02/2024 14:05:37
Loading Actions CURRENT 05/10/2022 13:45:47
Logic and Automated Reasoning CURRENT 10/01/2025 10:38:18
Machine learning CURRENT 18/06/2024 13:03:34
Major Component Design and Manufacture CURRENT 27/02/2024 10:14:28
Management for Technology CURRENT 27/11/2024 10:47:39
Manufacturing [AE, Airworthiness, MTM] CURRENT 19/09/2024 11:00:53
Materials Characterisation and Failure Simulations CURRENT 24/03/2020 15:21:43
Mathematics and Programming for Astrodynamics and Trajectory Design CURRENT 31/01/2025 09:13:36
Methodologies for Integrated Product Development CURRENT 10/10/2024 10:05:21
Modelling Approaches for Aerospace Applications CURRENT 02/10/2024 11:00:27
Modelling of Dynamic Systems CURRENT 11/09/2024 09:10:22
Multivariable Control Systems for Aerospace Applications CURRENT 13/02/2025 11:39:05
Numerical methods and high performance computing CURRENT 04/09/2024 08:41:17
Numerical Modelling for Compressible Flows CURRENT 06/12/2023 11:05:22
Numerical Modelling for Incompressible Flows CURRENT 02/12/2024 14:20:23
On Board Data Handling and Software Development CURRENT 19/12/2024 11:30:33
Payload engineering and instrumentation CURRENT 16/10/2020 10:52:37
Radio Systems CURRENT 12/09/2024 12:33:52
Reliability, Safety Assessment and Certification CURRENT 11/11/2024 13:06:45
Requirements Analysis and System Design CURRENT 05/09/2024 09:26:22
Research Skills [ASE] CURRENT 23/01/2025 09:59:01
Search and Optimisation CURRENT 31/10/2024 09:44:44
Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications CURRENT 04/09/2023 12:16:29
Signal Analysis CURRENT 01/10/2020 13:13:15
Small Scale Parallel Programming CURRENT 11/08/2020 14:58:53
Software Testing and Quality Assurance CURRENT 11/09/2024 09:18:22
Space Communications CURRENT 25/02/2021 08:10:16
Space Environment CURRENT 06/05/2021 10:58:56
Space Systems Engineering CURRENT 06/11/2023 11:21:36
Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control CURRENT 10/03/2021 14:57:04
Statistical Learning Methods CURRENT 11/11/2020 15:14:22
Structural Mechanics [ASE] CURRENT 13/03/2020 17:10:14
Structural Stability N-ALS-SS CURRENT 13/12/2023 11:34:58
Structural Stability N-AVD-SS CURRENT 13/12/2023 11:59:02
Systems Engineering CURRENT 19/02/2021 13:56:27
The Role of Experimental Data in CFD CURRENT 15/01/2024 14:56:33
Thermal Analysis and Design Software CURRENT 10/01/2024 16:07:57
Thin-walled Structures CURRENT 04/05/2022 11:45:22
Through-Life System Effectiveness CURRENT 14/11/2024 13:27:39
Tools for Integrated Product Development CURRENT 22/04/2022 11:22:48
Turbulence Modelling CURRENT 02/11/2023 15:21:30
UAS Dynamics and Control CURRENT 31/10/2024 15:32:25
UAS Modelling and Simulation CURRENT 14/11/2024 13:33:20
Uncrewed Traffic Management CURRENT 06/08/2021 20:25:00
Validation and Verification for Aerospace Applications CURRENT 14/09/2020 11:05:14