Programme Director: Dr Hannah Moore

Browse Programme

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology MSc - Part Time MSFAAPTR Course
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology MSc - Full Time MSFAAFTR Course
Forensic Ballistics MSc - Full Time MSFBLFTR Course
Forensic Ballistics MSc - Part Time MSFBLPTR Course
Forensic Biology MSc - Full Time MSFBYFTC Course
Forensic Explosives and Explosion Investigations MSc - Full Time MSFEIFTR Course
Forensic Explosives and Explosion Investigations MSc - Part Time MSFEIPTR Course
Forensic Investigation MSc - Full Time MSFOIFTR Course
Forensic Investigation MSc - Part Time MSFOIPTR Course
Forensic Investigation of Heritage Crime MSc - Full Time MSFHCFTR Course
Forensic Investigation of Heritage Crime MSc - Part Time MSFHCPTR Course

Lists linked to Forensic Masters Programme

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Advanced Crime Scene Investigation CURRENT 19/02/2025 17:11:14
Analytical Techniques [FP] CURRENT 27/10/2023 10:27:13
Ballistic Impact and Protection CURRENT 11/03/2022 16:07:30
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis CURRENT 30/11/2023 18:15:24
Body Fluids CURRENT 31/01/2024 09:29:32
Courtroom Skills [FP] CURRENT 01/11/2021 08:31:52
Digital Scene Forensics CURRENT 05/02/2025 12:30:08
DNA CURRENT 04/12/2023 14:50:15
Explosive Effects on Structures CURRENT 12/02/2024 17:26:17
Failure Mechanisms of Materials [FP] CURRENT 19/05/2022 15:55:23
Fakes and Forgeries [FP] CURRENT 30/11/2023 18:21:13
Field Methods in Heritage Crime Investigation CURRENT 19/05/2022 14:22:20
Fire Engineering CURRENT 01/05/2024 13:39:36
Firearms Investigations [FP] CURRENT 12/01/2023 08:58:01
Fires, Explosions and their Investigation [FP] CURRENT 13/05/2024 10:31:36
Forensic Archaeology: Mass Grave Excavation [FP] CURRENT 29/02/2024 12:36:55
Forensic Archaeology: Recovering Buried Remains [FP] CURRENT 21/02/2023 13:51:40
Forensic Ballistics Investigations [FP] CURRENT 06/11/2023 14:02:44
Forensic Ecology [FP] CURRENT 13/03/2024 12:13:55
Forensic Exploitation and Intelligence CURRENT 04/03/2024 15:00:13
Forensic Imaging CURRENT 07/11/2024 11:49:57
Forensic Investigation of Explosives and Explosive Devices [FP] CURRENT 27/04/2022 13:54:38
Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology: Osteology CURRENT 20/02/2024 11:03:03
Further Forensic Anthropology: Identification [FP] CURRENT 16/12/2024 15:11:44
Hazardous Forensics CURRENT 21/02/2025 10:32:16
Heritage Crime Portfolio CURRENT 31/01/2021 10:22:30
International crimes against cultural heritage CURRENT 27/11/2020 13:58:16
Introduction to Fire Investigation CURRENT 16/12/2024 12:09:55
Introduction to Firearms Investigations and Forensic Ballistics [FP] CURRENT 12/02/2025 09:50:16
Introduction to Shock and Impact CURRENT 22/01/2025 09:53:41
Introductory Studies [FP] CURRENT 04/05/2023 13:19:00
Investigating Threats to Cultural Heritage CURRENT 12/11/2023 13:12:40
Investigation and Evidence Collection [FP] CURRENT 06/12/2023 10:13:02
Investigation of Transnational Heritage Crime CURRENT 05/04/2022 09:22:35
Mass Fatality Incidents [FP] CURRENT 14/03/2024 09:37:45
Materials Engineering and Processing [FP] CURRENT 26/09/2023 12:35:58
Practical Archaeological Excavation [FP] CURRENT 28/03/2024 08:52:40
Radiographic Investigations in Forensic Science CURRENT 23/01/2025 10:10:21
Reasoning for Forensic Science [FP] CURRENT 19/01/2023 14:48:00
Temporary Mortuary Operations CURRENT 12/04/2024 10:30:46
Thesis [FP] CURRENT 28/11/2024 11:46:47
Trace Evidence [FP] CURRENT 12/01/2023 09:09:00
Trauma Weapon Effects [FP] CURRENT 12/02/2025 10:42:03